Sunday, 2 November 2014

Question the existence of Love?!

Many may find the title of this post weird or somewhat crazy.
But everyone or atleast most of you must have had this thought in your minds atleast once. I mean common! I have questioned this thing like a 100 times! And I would like to think that there are dozens of girls who are like me or atleast think like me!
Ever since I was a kid, I have always had this thing set in my mind that You fall in love once, live your life with that person by your side throughout your life.
Doesn't every little girl dream of her prince charming? But is it true?
I always thought that the epic kind of love exists.. where you fall in love with someone and you become blind to the rest of the world. Where there is unmatched chemistry between two people.
While these thoughts make you really happy, in reality this doesn't always happen. Nowadays, when someone says 'Forever', it means it will last for as long as he or she remains 'interested' in you.
I have seen couples breakup after years of togetherness only for greener pastures. While I don't want to criticise anybody, its just a thought. Deep down, everybody is a nice person but all are selfish when they want to think about their better future.
The concept of love is to be with a person throughout your life. Where your interests and choices don't keep changing.
After all this, does love really exist?

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